Bee & Wasp Removal Services

Paper Wasps
We eliminate all types of wasps & bees and can quickly solve wasp nest and bee problems from your Foxboro MA home, yard or business. Carpenter bees and yellow jackets are the most common bees we perform pest control services for in Foxboro MA. We 100% guarantee all our bee & wasp removal work.
Carpenter Bees Yellow Jackets Bumble Bees Bald-faced Hornets Paper Wasps | Digger Wasps Digger Bees European Hornets Cicada Killers Mud Dauber Wasps |
Differences between Bumble & Carpenter Bees | |
![]() Bumble Bee | ![]() Carpenter Bee |
The carpenter bees are all the same same, but bumble bee sizes vary. The carpenter bee can be seen hovering around the upper roof lines of your house and flies in a quick erratic manner. The carpenter bee drills 1/2 inch entrance holes in the upper trims of your house with y branching tunnels extending about 8 inches in each direction. They live inside these tunnels and lay new eggs inside. If left alone, woodpeckers will eventually find them and severely damage your fascia or trim boards in the process. Sometimes you can hear them drilling and see the sawdust falling down. The bumble bee doesn’t hover like the carpenter bee. They commonly fly around closer to the ground in a graceful manner. Unlike carpenter bees, bumble bees usually make their nests in the ground.
![]() Carpenter Bee Size | ![]() Carpenter Bee Damage |
Yellow Jackets – Wasps
Carpenter bees might do a lot of damage, but yellow jackets are the number one stinging insect we perform pest control services for in Foxboro Ma. They cause the most causes of emergency room visits for allergic reactions than any other stinging bee or wasp. Eastern Yellow Jackets average about 1/2 inch long, but the late hatching new queens can be 1 inch long. They have alternating black and yellow stripes. They’re not as hairy as bees. Their wings are a smoky brown color. Yellow jackets build nests in many areas; chipmunk burrows, stone walls, hollowed logs, behind shutters, under or inside eaves and inside wall voids of our homes. The nests they build inside your walls can become very large by late summer. Many people are unaware of there presence until the cold weather starts driving them into the house. Yellow Jackets, like most wasps, can sting repeatedly, and will do so when threatened.
YELLOW JACKET ATTACKS – Some of the worst cases of attacks are caused when someone unknowingly runs a lawnmower over a chipmunk burrow that has been taken over by a large underground yellow jacket hive. They will swarm out and attack you from behind. Another, unfortunate incident happens when someone is using electric hedge trimmers trimming a shrub or bush and stumbles upon a large yellow jacket hive, or bald-faced hornet nest hidden inside the scrub. This will cause them to swarm out and attack the person closest to the shrub.
Caution: If you see yellow jackets going into a small hole in the side of your house and you can not see the hive, DO NOT SEAL UP THE HOLE or SPRAY A PESTICIDE INTO THE HOLE. This will only drive them into the house. Aerosol pesticides that you buy are extremely repellant and the wasps will just travel through the walls and between the floors looking for new ways out. You will then have yellow jackets coming into the house for as long as 3 weeks. We use special dusts to prevent this from happening.
![]() Yellow Jacket side view | ![]() Yellow Jacket top view |
Bald-faced Hornets
Bald-faced hornets can quickly build large grey or brownish paper nests around our Foxboro MA homes. They are large hornets and are very aggressive. When their hive is threatened they will swarm after the attacker. They are smarter than yellow jackets and will chase you clear across the property. A bee suit is highly recommended for bald-faced hornet removal work. Its not uncommon for someone to even be stung through a bee suit. Multiple hornets will try to sting you in a concentrated area. This way they can do the most damage. These are New England’s most feared stinging insects.
Bald-faced Hornet Close-up
Bald-faced Hornet
Digger Bees & Digger Wasps
There are many species of digger wasps and digger bees in Foxboro MA. The black and silver type can be seen flying low in figure eight patterns above sand lots. They will bury their eggs into the sand and then cover over the holes with sand. There are digger bees that will have interconnected tunnels under leaves in a garden or yard area. There are also the large colorful digger wasps that make their large 1/3 inch wide tunnels in hard packed soil areas like along our walkways. When found these wasps should be promptly dealt with before they have a chance to multiply and spread.
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Images of other Bees, Wasps & Hornets
![]() Paper Wasp | ![]() Honey Bee |
![]() Cicada Killer 1.25 inches long |
Security Pest Elimination
We offer 100% Guaranteed Bee Removal Services
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Our local Foxboro MA number is 1-508-501-1727
Useful Foxboro MA Emergency Numbers
Foxboro MA Board of Health 1-508-534-1207
Foxboro MA Fire Department 1-508-543-1238
Foxboro MA Police Department 1-508-543-4343
Foxboro MA Animal Control Officer 1-508-384-2523
Foxboro MA, Zipcode 02035
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